Have you ever dreamt of swimming with Whales?
Our 2017 Fiji and Tonga Expedition was filled with exceptional whale experiences both in the water and on the surface. So many intimate mother and calf encounters. Calves so young they had floppy pectoral fins and umbilical cords still attached. Playful young males, curiously watching and mimicking our behaviour. Their eyes gazing into our souls and touching our hearts. The bluest of blue water held us suspended in awe as massive shapes of beasts moved by and towards us. The utter joy on everyone's faces was crystal clear as we locked arms and filled our minds eye with brilliantly clear memories of awkward and erratic movements of playful calves as dark shadows of mothers rest below us. These moving, life changing encounters had a strong emotional impact on us all. We are really looking forward to returning in 2020 and hope that you can join in on the fun.
Best wishes,
Natalia Baechtold
“We had such a wonderful trip. I loved Fiji, but for me the highlight still is the whales. That has to be the best experience I have ever had with wild animals. I just can’t get over how magical it was, and trying to explain to other people just can’t do it justice.”
Wild 'Humpback' Facts
Did you know...
Humpback songs can be heard from over 20 miles a way and can be up to 20 minutes long. Each year the whales sing a specific song developed for the that season over and over again.
Only males 'sing', it is thought that they do this to attract females or to let other males know they are in the area.
Humpback whales have not one, but two blow holes, one for each of their lungs. They have to think about breathing and do not do this involuntarily like us, therefore when sleeping they can only shut off half of their brain at a time!
Humpback whales do not have teeth, they have Baleen plates that work like a sieve to separate the water from all the Krill that they eat.
Each whale has a different design on the underside of its fluke, the markings are like human fingerprints and are used for identifying individuals.
Humpback whales give birth to live young, with pregnancies lasting around one year. Each calve needs around 100 pounds of milk per day to live!
Newborn humpback calves are about the length of their mother's head. At birth, calves are around 20 feet long and weigh around 2 tons.
Fully grown humpback whale males are slightly smaller (43 to 46 feet) than females (49 to 52 feet)
Witness for yourself one of the worlds greatest underwater events on our
2020 Fiji & Tonga Expedition
Imagine being surrounded by the gently lapping waves of the deep blue ocean, as you float on the surface of the water listening to the hypnotic and melodic song of a Humpback whale. Feel the motion of the water rock you as these gentle giants breach the surface next to you and your senses awakened to what is one of the most intimate and serene marine encounters in the world.